If the thought of trying to drag your offspring grunting and groaning into a museum makes you want to stab yourself with a crayon, fear not. Instead try heading over to the Allentown Art Museum between 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. on Sunday to go on a family ArtVenture. During those […]

Zephyros Inc, together with the Lehigh University Enterprise Systems Center, has contributed to regional companies with mentoring undergraduate and graduate students on companies like the two below. Excerpts from the November 2017 Ben Franklin Technology Partners of North East PA newsletter: Rea.deeming Beauty, Inc., Bethlehem, Northampton County Ben Franklin Investment: $25,000 University Partner: […]
Ben Franklin to Invest $471,450 in Regional Companies
What is the origin of Zephyros, Inc.’s name? The word zephyros (pronounced: \’ze-fər-oss\), in Greek (Ζέφυρος), means “west wind,” a gentle breeze that promotes growth, just like our services promote growth for your business. The word and its various connotations, is meaningful to the Zephyros team on several levels. First of all, […]